Monday, November 13, 2017

Taking Advantage of all Opportunities

This year has been difficult for me, and especially with my business. The first few months were an awful time of the palpitations of my heart (now diagnosed as A-Fib) and my blood pressure yo-yoing up and around stroke level. In all honesty, many days I was so stressed I would just take my meds and try to sleep the days away, so that my body could rest itself without me worrying over it and making it worse.

My business suffered. I wasn't keeping up with my advertising online, with my blog postings and groups, with my phone calls to my team members, the only ting on my mind was how ill I was and how bad I felt. It was scary when the episodes happened. I was afraid to be alone and yet had nobody to be with, as my hubby still had to go to work.

So, I find myself, a month away from the end of an AVON selling year and $3579.02 in sales, to make President's Club.

I don't get out much, maybe once a week, on a weekend, so whenever I do, I make full use of it and talk AVON, leave brochures, hand out my business card. I joke that a "girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do" but this is my "real job". I don't get disability. I sell AVON!

So, Friday I had a mammogram appointment. When we arrived, the fire alarm was going off, and we had to wait outside while the fire department checked everything out. When we got inside, I left #AVONbooks in every waiting area, handed them to the lady in the billing area, handed some to the lady receptionist, gave one to the lady who came in behind me, and we started chatting. 

On our way home from that appointment we stocked some #AVONbrochures in the rack at Ingles in Mauldin.

On Saturday, hubby being a veteran, many places were offering him a free meal, so we opted to go to Hu Hot Mongolian Grill, one of our favourite places, and where they know us pretty well now. I gave brochures to our server for her and the other ladies, she said they love it when I do that. We chatted about the gift items and I pointed out my "special offer" on the label on the front of my book. 

Hubby says I'm an AVON pimp, LOL. I just think I have to make the most of my trips out,and give out my #AVONbooks wherever I can and talk the talk.

Thanks for stopping by

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