Wednesday, December 13, 2017

I missed making President's Club this year

It began as a rough year for me, with the erratic blood pressure, stroke levels causing trips to the ER, and heart palpitations that they couldn't figure out, and the first few months I basically spent much of my waking moments worrying, taking an extra pill, or trying to sleep through the episodes that made me feel so awful, and were so scary. It wasn't until May that things got figured out on the palpitations at least, and I was diagnosed with A-Fib and put on blood thinners. I have a lovely cardiologist, and we are working together to try to get this under control.

Suffice to say, as much as I love my AVON, working it was the least of my thoughts at the beginning of 2017. I had had such high hopes of a successful year, of new things I wanted to try in order to grow my business, and I couldn't do any of it as even getting online would stress me out, make my blood pressure shoot up and cause the flutterings that would make me panic uncontrollably.

Unfortunately, that waste of over 1/3 of the work year, set me behind for the rest of it, and as of yesterday, when AVON's President's Club cycle ended for 2017, this is my first year that I have failed to make it.

I am upset. I'd be a liar to say otherwise. Making President's Club has been a source of much pride over the years, that - even disabled - I could achieve it ... and this year, I have failed.

I know I have the right excuses, that it wasn't laziness or a lack of effort, that caused this, that I was truly extremely ill and unable to perform the duties my business needed. had I been an employee of a business, I know I would have been fired. I am blessed that, despite my lower productivity this year, I still have a source of income, and (for much of the year) made decent money and on my own terms.

Today marks the beginning of my working to achieve President's Club in the next cycle. I have 26 campaigns throughout 2018 to accomplish it in, and am going to do my best to d so.

Some of the greatest people have found success through failure. As devastating to me, in one sense, as this failure is, it is just one step in the journey of my success ... and I'm going to keep taking those steps!


  1. Time to put the past in the past - can't change yesterday only work towards tomorrow - this next year we're gonna rock it!!! let's go!
