Saturday, March 24, 2018

Can You Wear More Than One Fragrance At A Time?

As an #AVONRepresentative, I get asked this all the time, and my answer is always the same - a resounding "yes" although for many years the consensus has been that 3 different fragrances should be the maximum used together.

I'm always being told "oh you smell sooo good!", and I respond with a laugh and tell them "it's AVON". I haven't worn another brand in about 15 years or more. I've always loved AVON fragrances.

My current "me scent" is a mix. I use Prima body lotion (to which I add a few drops of lavender oil), 

then Prima fragrance from wrist to elbow, and then I use Daydream on my outer thighs.
Both are florals, as I am definitely a light floral scent lover.

These two complement each other well, and blend to create a nice fragrant aura around me.

So, yes, you can wear more than one, just don't overdo it. 2 will create a nice personal signature, but more than 3 is not advised.

#fragrance #AVON #Daydream #Prima #scent #floral

Friday, March 23, 2018

What Size Do I Need?

Everybody hates clothes that don't fit well. So how do you know which size you'll need? With #AVON it's simple, as this quick little video shows.

Then, simply click here to shop the new Avon Seaside Gardens Collection for fun styles for beach, shopping, lunches with friends and everything inbetween.

All orders of $40 or more can get the Fresh Picks A Box for only $10, and free shipping on the whol order

It's all going on at

Thursday, March 22, 2018

My favourite skin care products

I'm not a make-up wearer, I remember being young and "could hardly wait" to be grown enough to use it ... and then, wore it for a few years and realised I wasn't that taken with it, so stopped.

The one thing I HAVE always done though, is take care of my skin. All over. Not just my face.

People have always told me that I have great skin, or that I don't look old enough to have ANY great-grandkids, let alone SIX of them! The nurse who draws my blood, at my doctor's office, says she's amazed at the skin on my ARMS, how soft and smooth it is! 

I have no secrets. I happily share with everyone, what I do. Everyone can care for their skin just as I do, it's really easy.

I guess I'll begin with the shower.

I use a fragranced shower gel that matches my cologne, and put some of that on a face cloth, then a couple of pumps of AVON's Oil Infused Foaming Body Wash in the Original fragrance, and use that to wash all over.

Next, I like the Moisture Therapy In Shower Moisturizer - I  like the Intensive Healing and Repair. Being older, I think my skin needs as much care as I can give it.

I love that it rinses off in the shower.

After drying off, I use my fragranced body lotion (I love Prima) and I squeeze some into my hand and add a couple of drops of lavender oil, then use that on my arms and hands. I began adding the lavender oil, as I have high blood pressure, and it is a "calmer" ... but lavender is also a healing oil, apparently, so I'm getting a double benefit.

Now, onto my face. Everyone's usual thought anytime skin care is mentioned.

I begin with cleansing. Sometimes I'll cleanse with an Anew Clean Facial Cleansing Wipe

I love both. Usually, in the shower, I'll use the cream cleanser, but before bed, I'll use the wipe. Both leave my skin feeling very soft and smooth.

Moisturizing, I'm all over the place on that. It really depends on whether I'm going out, staying indoors all day, going to bed ... I use different products at different times.

I love the Anew Vitamin C Brightening Serum ... unfortunately, it does not like me very much when I try to use it alone or directly onto my skin. It kind of irritates like a slight burn/itch mix. So, I put whichever other moisturizer into the palm of my hand, and add a squirt of the Vitamin C Serum to it, mix them in my hand and voila! No irritation when I apply the mixture to my face!

If I'm staying indoors all day, then my daytime moisturizer tends to be the Anew Ultimate Day Cream

I alternate these as they do different things for my skin, and at my age, I like to "cover all my bases".

A little goes a long way! Each pot lasts me between 4-5 months.

If I'm going out, on any given day, then I turn to my Skinvincible
I have always been very careful in the sun (red hair and pale skin made that a necessity!) so I love that this has an SPF50 rating, to give my face good protection against harmful rays. I do 2 pumps of this and 1 pump of the Vitamin C in the palm of my hand, mix, and then apply to my face and neck.

Finally, my eye area.

AVON has 2 really wonderful eye creams, among their collection. The Anew Clinical Eye Lift is a firm favourite of many customers, unfortunately for me, I cannot use it. The skin around my eyes is too sensitive.
I use the Anew Ultimate Multi-Performance Eye System. I have no sensitivity issues with it whatsoever, which I am very thankful for!

As well as what you put ON your skin though, what you put INTO your body plays a big part in the health of your skin. Also drinking water to help flush out impurities, helps to keep skin clear. Drinking tea, coffee, and sodas, or smoking, ages skin. You can learn more about your skin here

Feel free to comment or to email me with any questions at  I've added links to each product's page, and there you can check all of the ingredients as well as customer reviews (so that you can see what other users are saying!).

If you decide to buy from my website, AVON offers #FREESHIPPING on all orders of $40 or more PLUS the Fresh Picks A Box for only $10 with a $40 order ... and everything has a 90 day 100% money back guarantee, so you can buy with confidence and know that if you need to, you can return the item and get your money back.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

#skincare #anew #eyelift #eyecream #moisturizer #bodywash #anewultimate #anewplatinum #vitaminc #skinvincible #rosedempseyavonrepresentative

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

It's Spring - new fashions, home decor and more from AVON Campaign 8!

Campaign 8 arrives just as Spring begins, and is laden with fashions for everyone. Bright Spring looks for beach, tourist-y days of shopping and exploring, time out with the kids, or lunches with girlfriends. Versatile, colourful dresses and separates to please a multitude of styles and colour choices. And AVON has all the accessories you need to help you dress up, or stay casual. Various styles of bags and shoes, jewelry, AVON will have you looking your best no matter what style you choose.

Check out 36 pages of fashion here as well as 8 pages of new home and garden accents, 4 pages of scented decorator candles and the skin care, fragrance and make up that we are renowned for.

The Top Trends brochure is full of deals on make up, fragrance and hair and skin care, to help you look your best in the upcoming months. If you need an idea on a light Spring look, here's a quick how-to video from Kelsey Deenihan.

She takes us step-by-step to getting this simple fresh look.

My bargain hunters will absolutely LOVE this Outlet brochure - pages of fashion and accessories AND sterling silver jewelry plus household decor, fragrance and make up gift sets - lots and lots of savings!

Order online for direct delivery to ensure getting what you want as they sell out quickly and are all "while supplies last".

Also check out Your Head-To-Toe Guide To Great Skin for some great deals on skin care products and even some make up and fragrance.

I'm thrilled to announce that AVON has an awesome freebie for people who decide to join us right now. No matter which kit you choose (the $25, $50 or $100), if you sign up before April 2nd, you will receive a FREE Espira Hunger Block.

Hunger Block is just one of AVON's all natural health and wellness range.  Here's a quick video introducing it.

And you'll get it FREE when you join AVON this month! 

Getting started is really easy, simply click here and in a matter of minutes you will an AVON Representative, and have access to 2 websites so that you can IMMEDIATELY begin your business, even while you await delivery of your kit!

The benefits are awesome. I've been an AVON Rep now for 11 years and it helped me pay for a vehicle, theater tickets, dinners, bills, a cabin, an electric "shopper" (my ridearound, as I call it), and my rollator. It has been a boon to me as, despite being disabled, I do not get disability.

AVON also offers its representatives life and health insurance  thrugh one of its partners, tuition scholarships, and a whole host of incentives and onuses throughout the year.

I've made wonderful friends from people I would never have met, had I not been with AVON. I'm always thankful for that!

Come join #AVON and start living #theBossLife on your terms.

Have an awesome day!