Friday, August 17, 2018

Out and About Today

So I had a slow start to the day, but then got a bit productive, and had fun as I was running errands. 

I was a wee bit naughty, LOL, and having parked in the handicapped spot opposite Great Clips in Mauldin, I wheeled my walker across the road to theirs and popped some #AVON brochures on the bench between them and the Dollar Tree (where I was actually headed!). Hey - a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right?

My grocery shopping in Publix was neat. I chatted awhile with one of the ladies demo-ing foods, about all kinds of things. Then, whilst trying to snag dog food cans from the back of the bottom shelf with my feet (yeah, I really do things like that!), another lady offered to try to get them for me, and went down on the floor to reach in ... then joked she might not make it up again, and we ended up chatting too. That was mainly about our dogs and their personalities and how they have us trained, LOL.

Then, I had a lovely young lass help me out at Publix (and to drive the electric cart back in) and we chatted awhile (hope I didn't get her into trouble) about health, weightloss, organic v non-organic and how I've lost 81lbs in just under 2 years. We also talked about our "why" and its importance, and my why for both that, and my AVON business, as she asked me about that as well.

It made for a very nice shopping trip, albeit for the mundane task of buying groceries, but meeting some very nice and interesting people.

Have a wonderful afternoon, my friends 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

FREE Skin Care!

This special offer runs from 12th August to 19th August and is a great way to get your skin care regimen for free.
How to get the best value for your money? $40 of items, plus the A Box, and then using the code ULTIMATEKIT to get your skin care kit ... that'll give you a total of almost $150 value!
Plenty of money saving offers in the brochure. #Jewelry#Fashion#Bath and #body#Makeup#Fragrance#Candles#Accessories#SkinSoSoft#PinkHope #Anew #Ultimate
Feel free to share with others that you know would love to get a free skin care regimen.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Busy day!

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, and that bears true with me in today's techy age. I know how to do what I know how to do, and may even look like quite a pro doing it, but change something, and I'm lost!

So it has been with my new AVON website, LOL. It IS lovely and everything is at your fingertips ... but I struggled all day, yesterday, to figure out where to find things that weren't where I expected them to be. And they WERE in plain sight ... just my brain was accustomed to a certain way of doing things and seeing things, and totally missed what was actually right in front of me.

I'm just plodding along. It's taking me a bit longer to get my head around it that the younger, more tech savvy ones, but that's ok. I'll make it in the end, even if I'm last over the finish line!

Today is hubby's off Friday, so we got a lie-in ... not as late as we'd liked as a certain four-legged fiend was meowing for her food at 5.30am when we are normally getting up, but we did snooze again a little, afterwards.

We made a delivery to one of my ladies, took back a library book that I'd finished reading, dropped off recycleables at the Conestee Park collection bins, and then headed to see my lovely crew at Hu Hot, for lunch. It's like family when we go there, they are smashing!

After lunch, we went grocery shopping at Lidl ... I love that place too. I get my exercise in there pushing my walker all over the place, up one aisle and down the next.

I'm so thankful for my walker, it's definitely helped me regain some of my mobility AND my weight loss journey. 81lbs gone now. WOW. That's a whole maybe 8 or 9 year old's weight! I still have a long way to go but I'm just a tortoise plodding along, day by day, and as long as I'm going in the right direction, it's all good!

Enjoy your weekend!