Tuesday, May 23, 2017

AVON offers and changes

Lots of changes coming to AVON, and a couple of special offers to remind you of. My goal is always to either save you money, or help you get MORE for it. Taking care of my customers is one of the premises of my business goals, and to me that includes finding people the best deals and special offers!

First of all, the above offer, $30 value for only $10, will be ending soon, so if you want one, visit www.youravon.com/rosemarydempsey for all the details and claim yours today!

Another reason to visit today is that we have a free shipping code :

And it's with only a $25 order. Unfortunately it ends at midnight EST tonight, so again, if you want to use it, head over to my website today, to do so. The code to use is RA2505. I don't want anyone to miss out!

As of May 25th, many of AVON's products will no longer come wrapped in cellophane, in keeping with New AVON LLC's goals to cut down on waste and become more eco-conscious. Here is a list of products that will no longer include a cellophane wrapping. The boxes are, f course, already recycleable.

I'm very happy with this change, being an avid recycler myself, LOL.

They are also working on removing cellophane wrappings from our fragrances too, and when they complete that, I will update with that information.

Have a wonderful day!

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