Sunday, June 11, 2017

Today has been a good day!

Hope you are enjoying a relaxing Sunday, my friends.

Hubby and I were out and about earlier this afternoon, and did a couple of hours of AVON-ing. I labelled, then bagged, #AVONbrochures with samples, and dropped them off on my customers in Mauldin, and a few folks along the street from me. Hubby drove, I popped them in the spot under the mailbox, and he went to the door of my current customers to pop the books there. He also stocked the rack in Ingles grocery store with brochures and mark. magalogs.

Hoping I get some nice orders from them, I'm half way through 2017 and definitely not half way to President's Club this year. It's a goal of at least $10,000 in sales, and I like to achieve it because then I can empower others to see that if I can do it, working mainly from my bed, then they can do so too.

I hate seeing people give up because they become disabled.

Yes, it's easy to feel resentful when your ability to do what you used to be able to, is gone.

Yes, we all have bad days and pity parties.

But we cannot just cease to dream, or stop feeling worthy of accomplishments.  We have to do what we can, be grateful for each small achievement, and encourage each other (and ourselves!)

I like to use my accomplishments to encourage others ... to let them see that hey, I may be in my bed most of the day but LOOK! I still earn my own money, help buy groceries for my family, help pay bills etc. I still have that semblance of independence, even if I can't walk without my walker, stand unaided or dance any more.

I am adamant that ANYONE can make AVON work for them, if they are willing to work outside the box and find strategies that work for them.  And if not AVON, I am sure there are other options that cold be utilized, for others.

It's not easy, I won't lie. You have to want it. You have to be disciplined. You have to be consistent. But if you want something badly enough, you will find that strength.

And when you do, celebrate every small step forward, every little achievement. Why? Because it IS an achievement. Because you are moving forward. Because you have done something you didn't think you could do!

We can rock our lives. May not be as easy as we might once have been able, but it's up to us! We cannot let our disability get us down to where we feel totally incapable, and then allow ourselves into that reality.

Have a beautiful evening!

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